Yoga is an ancient practice for modern times.
Yoga promotes a sense of inner peace through a series of physical exercises and breathing techniques. While it may appear, to the outside observer, that we are simply stretching and exercising our bodies when we practice yoga asana,
what we are actually doing goes far beyond the body.
We're slowing down, moving energy, turning chaos into calm.
We're finding the connection between BODY, MIND and SPIRIT​​
In each group class that I teach, I aim to meet you where you are. While I have a general idea of how I'm going to sequence a class, I begin by checking in with everyone and getting a feel for the energy in the room. From there I may adjust my plan. My main aim as a yoga teacher is to help you feel into your body, to understand you are experiencing the practice in your own unique way, with no preconceived notions or expectations for how a pose should feel. It is my hope that you will leave the class with an increased awareness of your body, your mind, and how they interact with one another.
There is no sense of competition and no perfect way of practicing.
Just being present is perfection.​​​